
It’s me, it’s me, it is indeed the A-C-E, Ken Masters aka Ace Meda4 back for more and ready for war…well, maybe not war. I am a wordsmith who is media ready for everything from song writing, podcasting, performing to voice acting, radio hosting and video presentations. Throughout this site, I hope that you get a sense for the energy, intelligence and versatility that I have and see how I can be a invaluable addition to any team.

More about me personally, I was born and raised in Roosevelt, NY (Strong Island stand up!). I grew up being the kid who was a part of every class production that included a speech. Kwanzaa celebrations, poetry readings, presentations to the school board, it was a forgone conclusion that I was going to be that guy. My affinity for speaking is definitely the fault of my parents. They made it a point to make sure I always spoke clearly, learned to express myself and always put my all into everything I involve myself in. My mother and father are without question the foundation of the self-starter I am today and the lessons they taught me both by what they said and what they did are at the heart of why I do what I do and how I do it.

Unfortunately, though my mother is still here to see the man I’ve become, my father is not. In 2009, I lost not only him, but my childhood home. It was without question the darkest time in my life and just writing this puts me back there. It was also when the Ace of Spades, precursor to Ace Meda4, was born. My uncle pulled me out of a dark place to get to work and use my talents as therapy. I have to say, because of him, I became my best self. A person who is not only comfortable in his own skin, but one who can project that energy in a myriad of ways. The lessons I’ve learned from my uncle about how to adult correctly and be a better man have led me to so many connections, so many collaborations, and so much success that will only get greater with time.

As for the man typing this now, I’m just a generally happy guy who loves to learn and help people. I am most at home collaborating with others and helping them accomplish their missions. One of my favorite people to collaborate with is without a doubt my girlfriend. A talented editor of words, video, and audio, she is one of the most amazing people who doesn’t know she’s amazing. Whether being on camera with her on the Unconventional Couple YouTube channel or working behind the scenes with her on 224 the Basement Podcast, she is more supportive than I probably deserve. I would not be in any position to chase my dreams if I didn’t have her by my side.

Though I am a hip hop artist, I am far from the stereotype of someone who NEEDS the spotlight. Quite the opposite actually. I am the guy who does what needs to be done to win. If that means I need to be on camera and be the life of the show, done. If that means I need to write for another performer, done. If you feel like I have a face that’s perfect for radio, that hurts, but done. When one person on the team wins, we all win, teamwork makes the dream work, and all those other sayings that are kind of cliché, but sincerely convey how I feel. So, if all of this rambling has piqued your interest, take a look around at what I’ve done and let me know where I can fit into your plans.

1 Comment

  1. Very well written. It’s been a pleasure watching your story unfold and watching you overcome obstacle after obstacle. You can do anything you put your mind to young OG. Stay focused and stay motivated.


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